For over 50 years, Sachiyo Ito has brought East and West together through her delicate and powerful performance of classical, traditional, and contemporary Japanese dance.

Dear Friends, 

We are excited to share with you Chapter 9 of Sachiyo Ito's captivating memoir, titled "Rockies Kabuki to Montevideo."
For many of us, September is when we embrace a time of transition – a time of new opportunities, new studies, and new friendships. Ito shares her treasured experiences and encounters that have touched her heart and strengthened her mission. 
Chapter 9 recounts Ito’s tours around the USA, and other parts of the globe as an emissary of Japanese arts and culture.  Enjoy her journey of over 50 years spreading the arts and culture of Japan, and learn about this pioneering artist's inspirational story.

In addition, SIAC is pleased to offer a free trial lesson of Japanese Dance.  Please come and enjoy learning about the beauty and grace of this incredible art form!  Basic movements and gestures, how to use a dance fan, and a brief introduction to the Kabuki repetory will be taught.  


To register, please check the upcoming event below, and email

Those experienced in stage performance will have a chance to join SIAC for the 2025 Spring Cherry Blossom Festival performance season.  

We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes, 
Sachiyo Ito & Company

Upcoming Event

Free Trial Lesson of Japanese dance



Let’s enjoy beauty and grace of Japanese dance!

Basic movements and gestures of Japanese dance; how to use the dance fan, and a Kabuki dance repertory

Date: 9/28/2024 12-1pm

Place: Sachiyo Ito and Company Studio

405 West 23rd Street, NYC (Off 9 th Avenue Traffic Light)


This year renowned dancer, dance educator, and choreographer Sachiyo Ito has been serializing her memoir on JapanCulture•NYC with monthly installments, each chapter revealing a different aspect of her early life in Tokyo and career in New York City.

Ito offers of a profound exploration of the experience of dedicating herself to traditional Japanese dance at an early age, arriving in New York City during the tumultuous ‘70s, and making a successful career in the arts. Each chapter offers a glimpse into the complexities that shaped her journey. It is a literary examination of not only Ito Sensei’s life, but of how New York City’s culture evolved over the decades and what sacrifices one must make to achieve a thriving career in the arts.

The memoir is an invitation to delve into the layers of a creative life and career that has spanned more than 50 years. As a work in progress, it is also an invitation for you to offer your feedback. Your insights will contribute to the evolution of this extraordinary work.

2023 NJ Cherry Blossom Festival

Hudson River Museum 2023

Odori-zome (New Year Dance) 2024

Meet the Founder

Born in Tokyo, Sachiyo Ito is a performer, choreographer, and educator. She has brought together East and West through her delicate and powerful performances of classical, traditional, and contemporary Japanese dance for the last 50 years. Her passion from an early age to introduce the arts and culture of Japan to the West, specifically Japanese dance, led her to the United States and to the 1972 American Dance Festival, where she made her USA debut. Her introduction there to contemporary and various dance forms of the world inspired her to pursue an M.A. and Ph.D. in Dance at NYU.

Her choreographic credits for theater productions include Yeats’ trio, Three Irish Noh Plays in Ireland, and NY, And the Soul Shall Dance, Monkey Music at La Mama Theatre, and Off-Broadway productions of Shogun Macbeth, and Dojoji: The Man Inside the Bell; and Kabuki consultant for the Off-Broadway revival of Stephen Sondheim’s Pacific Overtures.

Non-Profit Organization

*Your tax-deductible donation helps us continue our artistic and educational programs successfully. Again, thank you for your support of the work of Sachiyo Ito and Company.
*Founded in 1981 as a performing and educational not-for-profit organization (501-c-3), Sachiyo Ito and Company is dedicated to creating a bridge between Japan and the USA through artistic performances and educational programs.
On October 23, 2011, a Mayoral Proclamation was awarded to Sachiyo Ito and Company for its significant contributions to the City of New York.