Volunteer With Us

We are looking for volunteers to assist us with daily office activities and upcoming events. If you are interested in volunteering, email us at sachiyoito@verizon.net, with the following information:

· Name
· Organization and Title
· Email address
· Contact number (day time)
· Specify hours and days available
· Brief statement of your interest

Thank you for your interest and support!

Intern With Us

The company seeks an intern to assist the Artistic Director. In previous years, interns from New York University and Columbia University earned college credits by working for the company. So far, this internship has been unpaid, although the company is seeking an endowment for it in the coming season. While knowledge of the Japanese language is not essential, a student who is learning Japanese can have an opportunity to use the language if he or she wishes.

Basic typing and computer skills with knowledge of Windows, Word and Excel are required. This is an excellent opportunity for majors in arts administration, Japanese studies, dance or another art form, or business management, and those who are eager to work toward a good will relationship between Japan and the United States.

If interested, please contact Sachiyo Ito, at sachiyoito@verizon.net, with:
· Name
· Email address
· Contact number (day time)
· Cover letter and Resume of your interest

Thank you for your interest and support!