
Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (1)

Dojoji 2002 is a contemporary interpretation of the Dojoji story, featuring the vengeful spirit of a girl who had been rejected by a monk, created in 2002. The Dojoji legend, is one that has been prevalent in the dances and dramas of Japan since the 11th century and has created a dance and drama genre called Dojoji-mono. The story describes the unrequited love of a woman for a monk; being rejected, the woman turns herself from a beautiful girl into a demonic serpent who chases the monk. As the monk takes refuge in the Dojojitemple, the woman destroys both him and the temple bell, (inside which the monk is hiding) by burning them to ashes. The bell serves as a symbol of the woman's desire, longing, passion, anger, and eventual self-destruction.


Dojoji Story: Dojoji 2002 (2)