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Salon Series No. 58

  • Tenri Cultural Institute 43A West 13th Street New York, NY, 10011 United States (map)

Salon Series No. 58 on March 12, 2017

Itinerant Performers in Japan and Russia, and Impact of Anna Pavlova

The theme of Salon Series in the 19th year season is “traditional dance in the contemporary world.”

Salon Series No. 58 on March 12 will investigate the role of Itinerant performers in Japan and Russia, and their surprising connections. Russian Gypsy female soloists paved the way for Anna Pavlova’s acceptance and success, while Anna Pavlova influenced the new dance movement in 1920s in Japan.

Photos: Tony Sahara

Guest Artist: Julia Kulakova

Dancejapan: Yuu Fujita, Mihane Sahara, Haruka Umeuchi, Sachiyo Ito

When: Sunday March 12, at 3pm

Place: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43 A West 13th Street, New York City  Between 5th & 6th Avenue

Admission: $15 general, $10 for Senior & Student

Take a look into the culture of spicy and soulful Gypsy entertainment and how it had positioned a solo female performer in Russia in comparison to an accepted role of a woman in traditional society and on stage.
Discover Ayako-mai, which was discovered in 1950-60s as a gem by folklore scholars, unknown among them for 300 hundred years.  This dance style is freer and rustic than Kabuki dance, supposedly performed by the women itinerant groups, such as Okuni’s, who is considered as the founder of Kabuki in the early 17th century.  

Get to know female itinerant performers who had established the foundation of Kabuki even though women does not take part in Kabuki.  

Experience the story of Anna Pavlova in Japan as a beautiful example of true art, which crosses borders, and challenges stereotypes.

Ms. Kulakova will perform a Russian Gypsy dance while Sachiyo Ito and Company will present itinerant performers’ dance of the pre-Kabuki period. Also, Ms. Kulakova and Ms. Ito will perform their contemporary creations, evolved from and inspired by each tradition. 

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from New York City Department of Culture Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Salon Series No. 58 日本及びロシアの放浪芸人とアンナ・パブロワの影響


場所:天理文化協会43A West 13th Street NYC

チケット:$15, $10 (シニア/学 生)
お問合わせ (212) 627-0265 /




3月12日のさろんシリーズ No. 58 では、日本とロシアの放浪芸人について、又、アンナ・パブロワが日本舞踊界にもたらした影響、ロシアのジプシーとアンナ・パブロワの関係をお話と舞踊の上演を通して考えます。クラコーヴァ氏が伝統的なジプシーの踊りと彼女自身の創作舞踊を披露、一方、伊藤さちよ舞踊団は女歌舞伎時代の舞踊、綾子舞を披露し、伊藤さちよは綾子舞からインスピレーションを受けた創作舞踊を披露。 

*さろんシリーズは舞踊に重点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めて頂くのが主旨で、日曜の午後に開かれます。日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉強していらっしゃる 方々を対象に、Q&Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していくことを意図しています。*

October 16

Salon Series No. 57

April 16

Salon Series No. 59