Salon Series

Salon Series No. 74
The program will present a classical Kabuki dance, a work fusing classical Japanese dance and Okinawan dance, and a contemporary dance created by Ito to conclude the Salon Series that has educated and entertained New York audiences for the past 25 years. Then, audiences will be introduced to Haiku, the shortest form of Japanese poetry, and to Renku, a much less known form from which Haiku developed. As the highlight of the program, the poets and Ito will link verses and dances in an improvisation, accompanied by live music and singing.

Salon Series No. 73
Salon Series No.73, Japanese Folktales and Kabuki Dances, will showcase Japanese folktales and Kabuki dances with the folktale storyteller Motoko on Sunday October 23 rd at 3pm at Tenri Cultural Institute, New York.

Salon Series No. 71
Our Salon Series program celebrated its 70th Program on December 12th, a milestone for this series that has spanned 24 years! This would not have been possible without your support. In this season of reflection, we also would like to offer Salon Series #71- a retrospective of the 70 programs previously presented in conversation with Susan Miyagi McCormac of JapanCultureNYC-com.

Salon Series No. 69
The Salon Series #69 will explore a topic of transformation from various perspectives: gender transformation, the ordinary to the unordinary in performing arts, development of character changes, from Shakespeare through Kabuki to the present.

Salon Series No. 68
Taking the symbolism of snow, the Salon Series No.68 will be offered to herald in the snowy season and to welcome a new season of unity into the world.

Salon Series No. 63
The Salon Series No.63 will explore the great possibilities of contemporary expressions and creations based on centuries-old Japanese traditions. Shoko Tamai, Artistic Director of Ninja Ballet is invited as a guest artist.

Salon Series No. 62
The theme for the 20th year of Salon Series in 2018 is Traditional Performing Arts for Future Generation. In Salon Series No. 62, we will explore the question of why Japanese traditional arts continue to be honored and incorporated by contemporary artists.

Salon Series No. 61
For the 20th Year Season, our theme of *Salon Series* is looking to future generations of traditional performing arts. This program will include dances performed by Dancejapan, the ensemble of Sachiyo Ito and Company, followed by the workshop.

Salon Series No. 60
Sachiyo Ito and Company will celebrate its 60th Salon Series of its 19th season with an exquisitely elegant and vibrant program featuring live music, the Dancejapan ensemble, and guest artists from Japan and New York. The Salon Series is a series of performances with informative educational lectures and lecture-demonstrations on the performing arts of Japan. They are held on Sunday afternoons three times a year. A dialogue between artists and audience following each program provides further insights into art and culture, bridging the cultural differences. With world class guest artists and speakers, the program has artistically and intellectually educated and inspired NY audiences.

Salon Series No. 59
Roberto Lara, the guest artist, and Sachiyo Ito will discuss the transformation of genders in ballet and Japanese classical dance.

Salon Series No. 58
The theme of Salon Series in the 19th year season is “traditional dance in the contemporary world.”
Salon Series No. 58 on March 12 will investigate the role of Itinerant performers in Japan and Russia, and their surprising connections. Russian Gypsy female soloists paved the way for Anna Pavlova’s acceptance and success, while Anna Pavlova influenced the new dance movement in 1920s in Japan.

Salon Series No. 57
A collaboration inspired by contemporary flower arrangement by Katsuya Nishimori with live music.

Salon Series No. 56
A demonstration of traditional flower arrangement and presentation of classical dances, Shikunshi, Aki no Irokusa, and Shiki no Hana.

Salon Series No. 55
With music and dance, we will first perform a cleansing and purification rite, creating sacred space as in ancient Japan,and then, we will culminate our ritual by inviting the audience to join us as we walk on a labyrinth path in a meditative walk led by Ms. Jean Ando. Come along, and join us in the sacred journey!

Salon Series No. 54
Inspired by Salon Series’ 2014 theme, “Ma” (special concept of time and space in Japanese culture), the idea of “Yoin,” (resonance) and its importance in Japanese performing arts and literature will be investigated through music, dance and poetry. John Stevenson will discuss the resonance in haiku and its influence on western poetry, while James Nyoraku Schlefer will talk about resonance in Japanese music. Schlefer will play his shakuhachi music, to which Sachiyo Ito will dance. The program will be concluded by an improvisational dance and music by Ito and Schlefer on a haiku composed by Stevenson.

Salon Series No. 53
Salon Series No.53 explores major two genres in Japanese legends, Yamanba and Hataori Monogatari, through discussion, and presentation of two dances. Yamanba (Old Woman in the Mountain), a Kabuki dance in Tokiwazu music, and the Weaving Crane, inspired by the folk taleTsuru no Ongaeshi (Return of the Gratitude by the Crane) choreographed by Sachiyo Ito will be performed.

Salon Series No. 52
Through the performances of the Kabuki Dance Shigure Saigyo and the classical Sankyoku music, Kajimakura, Salon Series No. 52 will explore the life of Asobime (Play Girl) and Shirabyoshi (Shrabyoshi Dancer). They are the medieval entertainers, described as the profane, and yet who served a sacred role in Japanese history. Originally a Noh play adapted to a Kabuki dance, Shigure Saigyo, surrounds an episode about a poet /monk Saigyo and a courtesan/Boddhisattva, while Kajimakura is about the impermanence of entertainers’ lives.

Salon Series No. 51
The Salon Series No. 51 will explore expressions of love through dance in the east and west, specifically, in Japan and Spain, based on the premise that dance is a mirror of culture. The program will present classical dances of each country, as well as contemporary dances in traditional styles, followed by a joint improvisation. An excerpt from Kyoganoko Musume Dojoji will be performed by Sachiyo Ito and accompanied by Sumie Kaneko.

Salon Series No. 50
Please join us for Salon Series No. 50. The program will present a demonstration of tea ceremony and a performance of Japanese classical dance, Cha-ondo (Tea Song). The discussion on Ma space in Japanese tea ceremony will follow. Cha-ondo will be accompanied by Koto and Shamisen.

Salon Series No. 49
The program will focus on the highest technique in dance, the breath work. Cultivating the best uses of timing, “Ma” in executing breath with movements is the last stage of learning process, and the mastering is essential in order to be a professional performer. While shiatsu healing master will demonstrate Ma in his healing work.

Salon Series No. 48
The prevailing theme of Salon Series in 2014 Season is “Ma,” the particular sense of space and time in Japanese arts and culture.
The first in the program investigates Ma in creating sacred space and time through sutra chanting and writing, music and dance improvisation.