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Salon Series No. 60

  • Baruch Performing Arts Center New York, NY, 10010 United States (map)

Salon Series No. 60 on June 18, 2017

Japanese Classical Dance from Kabuki to Contemporary: Celebrating the 60th Salon Series

Dear Friends, 
Thank you for your support to the Salon Series for the last 19 years. We are very grateful that we can celebrate 60th Series with special guests from Japan and New York, and with our Dancejapan members on June 18. I hope you can join us in this special occasion!

Sachiyo Ito, Artistic Director

 Sachiyo Ito and Company will celebrate its 60th Salon Series of its 19th season with an exquisitely elegant and vibrant program featuring live music, the Dancejapan ensemble, and guest artists from Japan and New York. The Salon Series is a series of performances with informative educational lectures and lecture-demonstrations on the performing arts of Japan. They are held on Sunday afternoons three times a year. A dialogue between artists and audience following each program provides further insights into art and culture, bridging the cultural differences. With world class guest artists and speakers, the program has artistically and intellectually educated and inspired NY audiences.

Supported by Consulate General of Japan in New York, our Celebration Concert will mark the milestone of the 60th presentation for the communities of New York and the tri-state area. Shogo Fujima, a Kabuki dancer from Japan is invited to join as a guest artist in this special occasion. The program will show a diversity of Japanese performing arts with music and dance from ancient to contemporary.

When: Sunday June, 18, at 5pm

Place: Baruch Performing Arts Center, 55 Lexington Ave NYC, Audience Entrance on 25th Street, between Lexington & 3rd Avenue

Tickets: $25, $20 for seniors and students


BPAC BOX OFFICE TICKET WINDOW 12-6pm M-F (212-352-3101) 

The concert program will begin with an ancient ceremony of purification and blessing with Etenraku, the Gagaku music. Following this are three Kabuki dances.  First, Mr. Fujima, our guest artist from Japan, will be joined by Ito for Matsu no Hagoromo (The Angel’s Robe at the Pine Tree) from the 19th century Kabuki repertoire, based on the Noh play Hagoromo (Angel’s Robe).

Following is the Kabuki dance, titled Seiten no Tsuru (Cranes in the Blue Sky). Then, Mr. Fujima will perform a Kabuki solo, excerpted from Masakado.  

The next work is titled Soshun (Early Spring), created by Ito for 7 dancers in the classical style. 

Also for this event, we have revived one of the most popular pieces from last year’s Salon Series, Flower Petals Fall, but not the Flowers, a collaboration with a contemporary florist.

The final work, Only Breath, is from our Poetry in Motion Concert. It celebrates humanism in the arts and the “oneness” of people across the boundaries of culture and ethnicity, with dancers representing multiple dance cultures from around the world.
The live accompaniment will include cello, biwa, shou, hichiriki, shakuhachi, electronic/synchronized music, percussions, voice and poetry recitation.

Guest Artists: Shogo Fujima, Tenri Gagaku Music Society of New York, Julia Kulakova, Jeeno Joseph, Tokumitsu Shibata, Yukio Tsuji, John Swartz, Chris Doi, Beth Griffith, Katsuya Nishimori, Elena Kimbering

Dancejapan: Kurumi Aoki, Claudia Cao, Yuu Fujita, Monika Hadioetomo, Natsuko Hirano, Keiko Ikehata, Yumiko Matsuno, Mihane Sahara, Haruka Umeuchi, Akiko Ikeda, Jessamyn Maneri, Sara Toews, Aiko Wylie

“We all look forward to seeing you!” – Dancejapan


The program was made possible, in part, by the public funding from Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, the Japan Foundation New York, and by Japan Airlines.

今年で19年季のさろんシリーズはシリーズ第60回を記念して、「さろんーシリズ第60回記念公演会」、後援 在ニューヨーク日本国総領事館、 を6月18日にBaruch Performing Arts Centerにて開きます。特別公演を記念して、日本から日本舞踊家藤間章吾氏を招聘します。公演演目のうち、第一部構成は古典作品で、 オープニングセレモニーとして雅楽越天楽を生演奏による古代の禊から始めます。次に 歌舞伎舞踊、「松廼羽衣」、「晴天の鶴」、「将門」抜粋(戦物語)を上演、そして伊藤さちよ創作作品「早春」。第二部はチェロ、琵琶、尺八、歌、太鼓、詩朗読等を使っての生演奏による現代作品で、”Flower Petals Fall, but not the Flower”(花びらは散るが花は散らない)と ”Only Breath–Beyond Boundaries”(呼吸のみ)。最後、インド、中近東、西洋舞踊の舞踊家を交えて舞踊、文化、民族、人種を超えて世界は一つを象徴し、理解し合う事を訴える作品で締めくくります。さろんシリーズは、舞踊に重点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めていただこうと言うのが主旨で、年に3回、日曜の午後に開かれます。さらに、Q&Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していくことを意図してきました。



April 16

Salon Series No. 59

March 11

Salon Series No. 61