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Salon Series No. 62

  • Tenri Cultural Institute 43A West 13th Street New York, NY, 10011 United States (map)

Salon Series No. 62 on June 10, 2018

Traditional Japanese Dance and Theater in Contemporary Performing Arts

The theme for the 20th year of Salon Series in 2018 is Traditional Performing Arts for Future Generation. In Salon Series No. 62, we will explore the question of why Japanese traditional arts continue to be honored and incorporated by contemporary artists.
Japanese traditional arts have shown their influence on Western arts since the turn of the 20th century, beginning with Japan’s move to open its doors to the West in the 19th century.  In this program, we will focus on Japanese influence on Western dance and theater. 
Our guest artists for this program are Yoko Shioya, Artistic Director at Japan Society, and Annie-B Parson, Artistic Director of Big Dance Theater, an award-winning contemporary theater and dance company.
Yoko Shioya will open with a general overview and commentary on the current and future impacts of Japanese traditional arts on contemporary creative works.
Sachiyo Ito will then follow with a demonstration on traditional Noh, Kabuki, and Okinawan dance and theater techniques. The demonstration will then conclude with a dance performance of an Okinawan court dance, Yotsudake Odori, and a newly created work inspired by Okinawan tradition, performed by members of Sachiyo Ito’s Dancejapan ensemble.
After the performance, Annie-B Parson will present a video excerpt of Big Dance Theater’s work entitled "The Other Here" that incorporated Yotsudake Odori. This work, which was commissioned by and premiered at Japan Society in 2007, is based on stories of well-known contemporary Japanese novelist Ibuse Masuji, whom Ms. Shioya recommended to Big Dance Theater as a source of inspiration.  Ms. Parson and Ms. Shioya will then discuss the importance of collaboration and offer their insights on the contemporary creative process as inspired and supported by centuries-old Japanese traditions. After the discussion, we will open the floor to questions. 

Guest Artists: Annie-B Parson, Artistic Director of Big Dance Theater, and Yoko Shioya, Artistic Director of Japan Society

Dancers: Yuu Fujita, Mihane Sahara, Sachiyo Ito

Admission: $20 (General), $15 (Student and Senior)

Information: or Tel: 212-627-0265

Salon Series No. 62 「コンテンポラリー舞踊と演劇における日本の伝統芸能」
場所:天理文化協会43A West 13th Street NYC
チケット:$20.00 / $15.00 (シニア/学 生)
お問合わせ :(212) 627-0265/   
     :アニービー・パーソン( Big Dance Theatre芸術監督)
20年目を迎える『さろんシリーズ』の今年のテーマは 「近代における日本の伝統芸能」です。
今回はコンテンポラリー舞踊団として注目を浴びているBig Dance Theatre の芸術監督アニービー・パーソンとジャパンソサエティー芸術監督の塩谷氏をゲストとしてお招きし、近世二十世紀初頭以来、日本の伝統芸能の西洋演劇舞踊へもたらした影響と未来への展望を探ります。
ダンスジャパンの沖縄伝統舞踊四つ竹の披露と、この踊りを取り入れたBig Dance Theater創作舞踊劇 “Other Here ” (井伏鱒二小説を基にジャパンソサエティー創設100周年記念委託作品)の録画紹介、その他の舞踊をお楽しみ下さい。
*「さろんシリーズ」は、日本の舞踊を焦点に当てながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めて頂くために、日曜の午後に定期的に開催しています。芸能各分野のゲストア-テイストとのコラボレ-ション、他国との舞踊文化との比較などを通して日本文化へのより深い理解を目指しています。又、日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉強していらっしゃる 方々に、Q&Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していく事を意図としています。

March 11

Salon Series No. 61

October 21

Salon Series No. 63