Salon Series

Salon Series No. 55

Salon Series No. 55

With music and dance, we will first perform a cleansing and purification rite, creating sacred space as in ancient Japan,and then, we will culminate our ritual by inviting the audience to join us as we walk on a labyrinth path in a meditative walk led by Ms. Jean Ando. Come along, and join us in the sacred journey!

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Salon Series No. 54

Salon Series No. 54

Inspired by Salon Series’ 2014 theme, “Ma” (special concept of time and space in Japanese culture), the idea of “Yoin,” (resonance) and its importance in Japanese performing arts and literature will be investigated through music, dance and poetry. John Stevenson will discuss the resonance in haiku and its influence on western poetry, while James Nyoraku Schlefer will talk about resonance in Japanese music. Schlefer will play his shakuhachi music, to which Sachiyo Ito will dance. The program will be concluded by an improvisational dance and music by Ito and Schlefer on a haiku composed by Stevenson.

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