Salon Series No. 44. The Art of Walking
Sunday June 17, 2012, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
On Sunday June 17, 3-4pm, we will hold Salon Series No. 44, titled The Art of Walking. The program will encompass various dance disciplines from Japanese classical dance and Okinawan dance to ballet and contemporary dance to exhibit the walk, the very basic of dance techniques. There will be brief dance works from each discipline as well as co-demonstration of walking techniques. The cultural and social meanings that affect the dance forms will be discussed.
Our special guests are Marnie Thomas from Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance and Wendy Whelan from New York City Ballet.
The following dances will be performed during the event:
Solo from Jerome Robbin’s ” Dances at a Gathering” performed by Wendy Whelan.
Solo from Martha Graham’s “Steps in the Street” performed by Marnie Thomas.
Excerpt from Sachiyo Ito’s “Yanagi no Wakaba” performed by Dancejapan Ensemble and Excerpt From “Nuha-bushi” performed by Sachiyo Ito.
After graduation from Sarah Lawrence College in 1958, Marnie Thomas joined the Martha Graham Dance Company, touring and performing with the Company, teaching at the Graham School, and was privileged to be part of the first generation of women to perform Ms. Graham’s own roles as Graham began choosing successors for her earlier repertory reconstructions. Currently, Ms. Thomas serves as a consultant and rehearsal coach for the Graham Company and is a faculty member of the Martha Graham School, Peridance International, and Adelphi University.
Wendy Whelan was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. She began her dance training at age three. Four years later she performed the role of a mouse in the Louisville Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker. In 1982, Ms Whelan moved to New York to continue her studies full-time at the School of American Ballet and the Professional Children’s School. She was invited to become a member of the New York City Ballet corps de ballet in 1986 and was promoted to principal dancer in 1991. (Photo: Paul Kolnik)
Admission: $15, $10 for student & senior.
Salon Series is an ongoing series of informative and educational lectures, lecture-demonstrations and performances aimed at those who are interested in deepening their knowledge of performing arts of Japan. The series is held on Sunday afternoons three times a year.
さろんシリーズ14周年の2012年第3弾, さろんシリーズ第44回のテーマは「 歩 く芸」です。
舞踊のテクニークでは最も基本の「歩く」 をテーマにして、日本舞踊、琉球舞 踊、バレー、モダンダンスを取り上げ、比較しながらのデモンストレーション、 そしてそれに関わる文化的、社会的な意味を 探ります。
デモンストレーションの後 各分野から舞踊作品4曲を上演します。ニューヨー クシテイーバレー のプリンサパルダンサー、Wendy Whelan (ウエンデイ・ ウィーラン) と マーサグラハムスクール教師、Marnie Thomas (マーニー・ トーマス) をゲストにお迎えします。
*さろんシリーズは、舞踊に重 点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めていただこうと言うのが主旨で、年に3回、天理文化協会にて、日曜の午後に開かれます。日 本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉強していらっしゃる方々を対象に、Q/Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していくことを 意図していま す。*
会場:天理文化協会 43 A West 13th Street Between 5th & 6th Ave. NYCity
問い合わせ:212-627-0265 伊藤さちよ舞踊団
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265
Salon Series No. 43. Meditation in Sound and Movement
Sunday May 20, 2012, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
On Sunday May 20, 3-4pm, we will hold Salon Series No.43, titled Meditation in Sound and Movement. For the first time in 14 years of Salon Series, this program is presented as a workshop. Participants can choose to learn walking meditation, Shakuhachi meditation, or both. Our special guest is Ralph Samuelson, the Shakuhachi Master who has conducted meditation workshops with Shakuhachi for many years in the Zen Mountain Monastery. The Japanese bamboo flute, the shakuhachi, is associated with Zen Buddhism from 16th century Japan. Playing Honkyoku pieces is sometimes referred as Sui-zen (blowing Zen), and focuses on breath, stillness, and concentration with the mind of Za-zen (sitting Zen meditation). Breathe in, breathe out into your flute and listen to the sound. Sachiyo Ito will lead a walking meditation in the tradition of Community of Mindfulness under the teaching of Thich Nhat Hanh.
As a special bonus, a dance which was created last year as a dedication to Japan’s Earthquake victims, titled, “Dedication,” will be performed at the end of the program.
Admission: $15, $10 for student & senior.
more info:
About our guest, RALPH SAMUELSON, Shakuhachi
Ralph Samuelson is a performer and teacher of the Japanese bamboo flute, shakuhachi. He was trained in the classical tradition of the Kinko School under the tutelage of the late Living National Treasure Goro Yamaguchi, as well as by Shudo Yamato and Kodo Araki V. He began shakuhachi studies in 1969 as a graduate student in the World Music Program at Wesleyan University and studied traditional music in Tokyo in the 1970s under the guidance of the distinguished musicologist Fumio Koizumi. Mr. Samuelson has performed in leading concert venues in New York, around the United States, and in Europe and Asia. He has been presented in live radio and television broadcasts in the US and Japan and has recorded for Music of the World, Lyrichord Records, CBS Masterworks, Axiom, Tzadik, and other labels. In 1991 and in 2008 he was the featured shakuhachi soloist in the New York City Ballet’s production of Jerome Robbins’ “Watermill”, with music by Teiji Ito. In spring 2011 he was an artist-in-residence at the Lou Harrison House in Joshua Tree,California; and in fall 2011 he was a guest artist at the Seoul Institute of the Arts in Korea. Since 1976 Mr. Samuelson has also worked as a foundation professional facilitating and supporting international cultural exchange, and from 1991 to 2008 he served as director of the Asian Cultural Council, a foundation supporting exchanges in the arts and humanities between the United States and Asia.
Salon Series is an ongoing series of informative and educational lectures, lecture-demonstrations and performances aimed at those who are interested in deepening their knowledge of performing arts of Japan. The series is held on Sunday afternoons three times a year.
さろんシリーズ14周年の2012年第2 弾さろんシリーズ第43回は、 「Meditation in Sound and Movement] (音と動のメデイテーション)と題 し さろんシリーズ初めてのワークショプを開催致します。尺八メデイテーションは 尺八に息を吹きこむ事による 瞑想で、尺八演奏家、Ralph Samuelson が指導し ます。 一方ウオーキングメデイテーションは歩行による瞑想で伊藤さちよが リードします。最後に東北震災のために昨年振付けられた Dedicationを Samuelson 伴奏で伊藤が舞います。 また、ゲストと観客のDialogue意 見交換も予定しています。ご参加お待ちしています。
*さろんシリーズは、舞踊に重点を置きながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する 理解を多くの方々に深めていただこうと言うのが主旨で、年に3回、天理文化協 会に て、日曜の午後に開かれます。日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、 また勉強していらっしゃる方々を対象に、Q/Aの場、楽しい意見交換の フォーラ ムを提供していくことを意図しています。*
場所:天理文化協会 43A West 13th Street NYC
サチヨイトーアンドカンパニー Tel:212-627-0265/
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265
Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival)
Saturday April 28, 2012 – All Day
Classical Japanese Dance and Okinawan Dance at 1pm at the Cherry Esplanade Main Stage at Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
The celebration of Hanami culminates in the two-day Sakura Matsuri cherry blossom festival, the nation’s largest event in a public garden. Visitors of all ages can enjoy music, workshops, and crafts.
LOCATION: Cherry Esplanade Main Stage at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Salon Series No. 42. Seiza, the Japanese Way of Sitting in the Arts and Life
Sunday March 11, 2012, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
On Sunday March 11, 2012 from 3-4pm, we will hold Salon Series No. 42, titled Seiza, the Japanese Way of Sitting in the Arts and Life.
We will explore seiza, the Japanese way of sitting on the knees, as it exists in life and the arts. An excerpt from a typical Japanese classical dance, Kagamijishi, will be followed by a discussion about how the Japanese sit, explaining how it is used in the arts such as tea ceremony with a brief demonstration of tea ceremony, and how it is used in dance. Our guest lectuerer, physical therapist Jeremy Baber, will explain about the functions of knees and muscles and issues in Japanese-style sitting, as well as give a special talk titled,” How to Save Your Knees.” A lively Q&A session is expected.
Admission: $15, $10 for student & senior.
About our guest: Jeremy Baber, MSPT, CSCS
Jeremy Baber is a physical therapist, educator and chronic pain specialist. He has a strong background in dance medicine having served as the touring physical therapist for the touring productions of Twyla Tharp’s Movin’ Out and the smash hit Wicked. Jeremy has developed a cutting-edge performance enhancement system known as Primal Rekinetix™. Primal Rekinetix™ increases strength, flexibility and coordination in minutes by rebooting the brain’s motor cortex. Jeremy’s experience working with chronic pain patients, performing artists and professional athletes has taught him that a holistic approach that addresses mind, body and spirit is vital to successful outcomes. Jeremy Baber is the Clinic Manager of Bounce Back Physical Therapy in Chelsea.
Salon Series is an ongoing series of informative and educational lectures, lecture-demonstrations and performances aimed at those who are interested in deepening their knowledge of performing arts of Japan. The series is held on Sunday afternoons three times a year.
LOCATION: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, between 5th & 6th Avenues, New York City
MORE INFO: Sachiyo Ito & Company 212-627-0265