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New Online Class of Japanese Classical Dance for Beginners

Dear Friends, please join us!

New Online Class of Japanese Classical Dance for Beginners

Gaining Grace through Japanese dance

When: 10 Saturdays at 11am-12pm from 2/20-4/24

The Goal: Graceful gestures and movements from dancing to daily life

Learning and adopting graceful manners and gestures from dance movements to daily activities; learning Japanese cultural traditions through literature and backgrounds of dances; dressing in yukata; learning basics of Japanese dance, including the proper stance, how to walk, and the use of the dance fan; studying repertories of classical dances; strengthening the core through Japanese dance.

Subjects: How to dress in yukata; the movements and styles of Japanese classical dance; how to use dance fans for expressive movements; repertory from classical dances such as Itako Dejima, Ume ni mo Haru, Kyo no Shiki, Chiyo no Tomozuru (excerpt)

Fee: $100 for 10 classes; or $55 for 5 classes

A recording is available for 2 weeks with additional fee of $2 if participants wishes to obtain by missing a class.

Note: In the first class, t-shirt and pants or legging are to be worn. They are suitable for observing stance and leg/feet movements. Socks are acceptable if no tabi are available.

By the second week, dance fans/Yukata/obi/ties are needed for the lesson.

* Intermediate Online Class will be offered after 10 sessions. Participants in the Beginners’ Class are welcomed to join.

*Watch announcements on our website for: “Gentle Japanese Dance Designed for Seniors”* and “Children’s Online Class “ offered during the summer.*

*We will focus on gentle manner in dancing, including lessening stress during knee movements, easing arthritis pains in hands through graceful hand and finger movements, and use of the dance fan.

**We will focus on learning manners such as the proper bow; maintaining a good posture while enjoying songs and use of dance fans; and cultural traditions as they relate to dance.

Inquiry: Tel: 212-627-0265


Registration deadline: February 19, 2021 5pm **

Payment method: To pay using a credit/debit card or PayPal Account, click the button below. If paying by credit card, you do not need a PayPal account.

If paying by Venmo, please search for: sachiyo-Ito.

** Please contact us if you miss the deadline this time, or if you are interested in the future class. Next offering of On-line Beginners’ Class is planned for 3/20



時: 毎週土曜日朝11時から12時

期限: 2月20日より4月24日

目標: 優雅な動き、しぐさを日本舞踊を通して身につける

クラス内容: 浴衣の着付け、扇子の扱い方と表現方法、姿勢,腰の保ち方



お稽古代: $100 for 10 classes; もしくは$55 for 5 classes

支払方法:ホームページwww.dancejapan.com上のPayPal にて 







Tel: 212-627-0265




伊藤さちよ舞踊団 日本舞踊教室 (主宰:藤間さちよ)

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