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Happy New Year 2021

Dear Friends, Happy New Year!

We at Sachiyo Ito and Company wish you all good health and peace for the New Year.

We would like to invite you to two online presentations in the first month of 2021.

First, join us for the upcoming streaming of Salon Series No.68 on Sunday, January 31, 2021, at 3pm EST, “Symbolism of Snow”.

Taking the symbolism of snow, the Salon Series No.68 will be offered to herald in the snowy season and to welcome a new season of unity into the world.

Snow is a popular theme in the Japanese traditional arts, poetry, music, and dance, often symbolizing the ephemeral quality of love, as it melts away. This symbolism is central to the 18th Century Kabuki dance, Heron Maiden, to be performed by Ito. An improvisation of poetry, music, and dance by the guest artists, including international musician, Kaoru Watanabe, vocalist Beth Griffith, Russian dancer Julia Kulakova as well as Dancejapan Ensemble, will culminate the program. Each dancer will choose a poem of their culture referencing snow, and using reverence to nature as a springboard, each dancer offers their interpretation of the theme. We wish to send a message that each human being is as precious and unique as each individual snowflake, and yet similar in essence beyond differences in race, ethnicity, and culture.

To watch, please visit our website: for the link. The link will be announced by January 24. Also we will send you a reminder with the link.

The link will be active for 24 hours.

Second, we invite you to view “Beat of the Boroughs, NYC Online” featuring Sachiyo Ito.

“Beat of the Boroughs, NYC Online” was created and sponsored by the Center for Traditional Music and Dance in response to the pandemic. Originally broadcast on November 31, 2020, the link below will lead you to the talk/demonstration/dance and creative-work interview episode with Dancejapan’s artistic director, Sachiyo Ito.

*Salon Series: Japanese Performing Arts*

The Salon Series is an on-going series of performances and lecture-demonstrations on Japanese performing arts held three times a year. With world-class guest artists and speakers, the program has inspired NY audiences for the last 2 decades, 2019 will be the 23rd season of the series.

Streaming is free, but your generous donations will help us continue streaming our programs in 2021, and will be greatly appreciated.
Donation link:

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year, virtually and in person!







さろんシリーズ第 68回「 雪の象徴」ストリーミング

日時:1月31日(日)午後3時-4時 EDT に ホームページのオンライン・リンク をクリックして頂くとご覧になれます。リンクは24時間有効です。

直接のリンクは1月24日までに ホームページ上にアナウンス、又リマインダーのお知らせをお送りします。

ゲスト出演:ベス・グリフィス、渡辺薫、 ジュリア・クロカーヴァ


お問合わせ : 212-627-0265

更に、 雪の季節を迎えて新しい世界の協調を訴える即興作品は渡辺薫の音楽指導の下にロシア、アメリカ、日本を代表したアーティストが各文化の雪のシンボリズムを表現します。又、雪片が一つ一つ違うことから、文化、人種を越えた個人一人一人の尊厳さを謳いあげます。

ストリーミング二つ目は「ニューヨークのビート、あちこち」(Beat of the Boroughs, NYC Online by Center for Traditional Music and Dance 伝統音楽舞踊センター) コロナに直面するアーチストのインタビュー、デモンストレーション、現況に訴えての作品を収録した企画で、去年11月30日放映の伊藤さちよの録画がご覧になれます。以下が直接リンクです。






深い理解を目指しています。又、日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉強していらっしゃる 方々に、Q&Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していく事を意図としています。*

October 30

Beat of the Boroughs: NYC Online

February 20

New Online Class of Japanese Classical Dance for Beginners