
Fall Japanese Dance Workshops (Beginner and Advanced)
Beginner Workshop: Tuesdays in September and October starting on 9/5/2023
6:00 – 7:00pm
Advanced Workshop: Wednesdays in September and October starting on 9/6/2023
6:00 – 7:00pm
Sachiyo Ito and Company Studio
405 West 23rd Street, Suite 4G, New York, 10011
Beginner Workshop: how to dress in yukata/kimono; the basic movements of Japanese classical dance, as well as how to use a fan for expressive movement; and beginner dances from the classical Kabuki repertoire.
Advanced Workshop: dances from the Kabuki dance repertoire with more complex techniques than the Beginner Workshop. Advanced students can be trained to join the company for performing at cherry blossom festivals and other events in the spring of 2024.
Cost: $120 for the entire two-month workshop, paid in advance
$20 for a single class payment
Materials for the workshop: yukata or kimono with obi, and a dance fan. These can be purchased or rented from the Company if participants do not own them.
Limited to 5 participants
Registration deadline: 9/1/2023
Registration and Inquiry: sachiyoitoandcompany@gmail.com or visit the Sachiyo Ito and Company Website
初心者・毎週火曜日6-7時 9月5日より
経験者・毎週水曜日6-7時 9月6日より
場所: 伊藤さちよ舞踊団スタジオ405 west 23rd Street NYC(212-627-0265)
費用: 2ヶ月分 $120 / 1クラス $20
お稽古に必要な物:扇子/着物 (購入及び貸出可能)

Culmination Performance of “Dance and Poetry of Japan” Workshop
Thursday, August 10
11:30 – 12:00pm
The Parlor at the Greenwich Senior Center
20 Washington Square North, New York
The program will present Renku (Linking Verses) along with dances choreographed by the workshop participants. A special guest, Beth Griffith, singer and actress, will join as a vocalist to accompany the dances. The dance “Sakura,” choreographed by Ito, will also be performed by participants and a member of the Company. The presentation will conclude with dance improvisation by Ito and the participants on Haiku stanzas from the audience. Audiences are invited to bring their own Haiku.
The program will be followed by a reception with beverages and snacks.
The Dance and Poetry of Japan Workshop is, in part, supported by Creative Learning administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in partnership with the NYCity Department of Cultural Affairs.

Free Workshop for Seniors: Dance and Poetry of Japan
Participants will learn the basics of Japanese classical dance, repertories of the 19th century Kabuki dance, and are introduced to Japanese poetry forms of Haiku, Waka, and Renku (linking verses), as well as learning how to dress Yukata/Kimono, and more about Japanese culture.

Japanese Dance Summer workshop for Beginners and Advanced
Japanese Dance Summer workshop for Beginners and Advanced
5 Tuesdays in August 6:30-7:30pm for Beginners from 8/2
5 Wednesdays in August 6:30-7:30pm for Advanced from 8/3**
Chelsea Sachiyo Ito and Company Studio in Manhattan
405 West 23rd Street (#4G) New York, 10011 (212-627-0265)
$80 Workshop Advance Payment/ A single class at $20
Registration/Inquiry: sachiyoitoandcompany@gmail.com
Instructions include:
-Basic movements of Japanese classical dance
-Use of dance fans for expressive movements
-Repertory from Kabuki Dance
Materials Necessary for the Workshop: dance fan/yukata or kimono/obi/ties
If you do not have a dance fan, it can be purchased from the company studio, a new fan at $25, used at $15
Limited to 5 participants
Deadline of Registration: 7/25
****Advanced students can be trained to join the company in the fall for performing at cherry blossom festivals and more events in the spring of 2023.**

Free Online Workshop: Gentle Japanese Dance for Seniors
Information regarding Free Online Workshop: Gentle Japanese Dance for Seniors
This workshop is specially designed for seniors (over 65) and offered free of charge. Yukata/obi and dance fans can be provided (Limited and Pick up Required).
Limited to 10 participants.
Goal is to gain grace and beauty through learning, basics of Japanese dance and selected dance repertory. In addition, since a dance is a mirror of a culture, we will discuss Japanese culture, arts, and literature as they relate to the dance.
The sequential 10 sessions are offered 9 weeks in May and June with one additional as discussed with participants in late June.
Date: Wednesdays 11am-12pm from 5/ 5 to 6/30
Sequential topics are:
** How to dress in yukata and obi (the traditional dress and sash worn);
** Basic movements, techniques, and style;
** 3 dances from folk dances;
** Basic use of dance fan for expressive movements;
** Sakura (Cherry blossom Dance);
** Itako Dejima (the Island of Itako);
Talks on the background that have nurtured dance forms, the poetry in the lyrics of the dances, interpreting them into movements and gestures, and sharing among the participants stories from their experiences in Japan and Japanese culture.
Contact for Inquiry and Registration: Sachiyoito@verizon.net
Deadline for Registration: 5/1/2021
Seniors can exercise dexterity of hands, since hand motions are important in Japanese dance, and handling of fans also require motions that is helpful to those with arthritis. The subtlety in movements and gestures, which are essential in Japanese dance will train seniors the act of focusing, even on one single movement. Importantly, movements are designed for less stressful use of knees.
Also, private viewing video link to recording of the dances to be taught, links to Sachiyo Ito’s dances will be sent to participants via email.
Materials for practicing, fans/yukata/obi/ties can be picked up from Instructor’s studio in Chelsea from Front Desk.
This program is administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and supported by public funds in partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Department for the Aging.
伊藤さちよ舞踊団 は新しくシニア初心者向けオンライン・日本舞踊教室を開きます。
時: 毎週水 曜日朝11時から12時 10回
期間 : 5月5日より6月30日
目標: 優雅な動き、しぐさを日本舞踊を通して身につける
クラス内容: 浴衣の着付け、扇子の扱い方と表現方法、体に優しい姿勢,腰の保ち方、膝の使い方、日本舞踊の基礎、日舞2曲、ディスカッション(舞踊の背景・歴史、文学、詩歌等)
登録締め切り: 5月1日