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Salon Series No. 67

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Streaming of Salon Series No. 67 on November 5, 2019

Prayer for Healing

Dear Everyone,

Please join us for the re-broadcasting of the Virtual Salon Series No. 67: Prayer for Healing on Thursday November 5th at 6pm EDT.

Facing the crises of Pandemics, Sachiyo Ito and Company will offer a prayer and healing message through performance. Based on Japanese traditional symbols for peace, dances depicting cranes (Seiten no Tsuru: Cranes in the Blue Sky, and Chiyo no Tomozuru: One thousand-year Old Crane) will be performed. The crane, a symbol of longevity, is said to live for one thousand years and is also a symbol for auspicious occasions.  Healing and Peace Through the Traditional Symbolism of Cranes, The Origami Project, and Amazing Grace.

Ito will then offer two dances: Memories and Dedication, in honor of the lives of those who have departed from us.

Following the dance performances, Colin McNally, an artist and schoolteacher who completed the Origami Project, will teach the virtual audience how to fold cranes as well as explain his inspiration of the project: his artistic and educational views for folding one thousand cranes.  Both those in Japan and in the West, including many school children, are familiar with the Origami paper crane as symbol for peace and healing.

In closing the program, the international singer and actress Beth Griffith will perform “Amazing Grace” for finding a light to guide us to healing.

Date: Thursday November 5th, 6pm EDT. The link is active for 24 hours.
Please join us online at:

Viewing is free, but if you would like to send us a tax-deductible donation, please go to our website, and click the link to donate via Paypal.  We greatly appreciate your support to help us continue offering the Salon Series.

Donate to Sachiyo Ito and Company

*The Salon Series is an on-going series of performances and lecture-demonstrations on Japanese performing arts held three times a year. Dialogue between artists and audience has provided further insights into arts and culture, thus bridging cultural differences. With world class guest artists and speakers, the program has inspired NY audiences for the last 22years. Following COVID guidelines, this presentation will be streamed on-line at the venue used for the last 2 decades.

先、10月11日生放送のさろんシリーズ第 67回「 癒しと平和への祈り」の再放送のお知らせを致します。

さろんシリーズ第 67回「 癒しと平和への祈り」再放送

日時:11月5日(日)午後6時 EDT


お問合わせ :(212) 627-0265/   
ゲスト出演:Beth Griffith、Colin McNally ダンスジャパン:曹芊朔、松本明子、伊藤さちよ


長寿,平和 癒しの象徴である鶴を主題にした日本舞踊舞踊曲、「晴天の鶴」と「千代の友鶴」、亡くなられた方々に捧げる伊藤さちよ創作作品、“Memories”と “Dedication”を上演。


McNally 先生をゲストに迎えし、お話しと鶴の折り方をデモンストレーションして頂き、ゲストアーティストのBeth Griffith氏に、癒しのメッセージを込めて、歌曲 “Amazing Grace” を披露して頂きます。

Viewing is free. We greatly appreciate your support to help us by tax-deductible donation to continue offering Salon Series through this PayPal link Donate to Sachiyo Ito and Company.



*「さろんシリーズ」は、日本の舞踊を焦点に当てながら、日本の伝統芸能に対する理解を多くの方々に深めて頂くために、日曜の午後に定期的に開催しています。芸能各分野のゲストアーテイストとのコラボレーション、他国との舞踊文化との比較などを通して日本文化へのより深い理解を目指しています。又、日本の舞踊、演劇、音楽に興味のある方、また勉強していらっしゃる 方々に、Q&Aの場、楽しい意見交換のフォーラムを提供していく事を意図としています。*

October 20

Salon Series No. 66

January 31

Salon Series No. 68