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Salon Series No. 68

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Streaming of Salon Series No. 68 on January 31, 2021

Symbolism of Snow

Sunday, January 31, 2021, at 3pm EST,

Taking the symbolism of snow, the Salon Series No.68 will be offered to herald in the snowy season and to welcome a new season of unity into the world.

Snow is a popular theme in the Japanese traditional arts, poetry, music, and dance, often symbolizing the ephemeral quality of love, as it melts away. First, we present Heron Maiden, an 18th century kabuki dance in which snow’s symbolism is central. This will be followed by dances, singing and poetry by guest artists: vocalist Beth Griffith and Russian dancer Julia Kulakova, as well as Dancejapan Ensemble. The program will be concluded by Structured Improvisation under the musical direction of Kaoru Watanabe. Enjoy the culminating collaboration, sending a message of uniqueness of culture which reminds us that each of us is like a snowflake, and yet similar in essence beyond differences in race, ethnicity, and culture.

To watch, please visit the link on January 31, at 3pm EST.

Due to many requests and as Snow Special, we decided to extend to 2/3 Wednesday 3pm.

Streaming is free, but your generous donations will help us continue streaming our programs of Salon Series and SIAC Virtual Archive Series in 2021, and will be greatly appreciated.

Donation link:

*Salon Series: Japanese Performing Arts*

*Salon Series is an on-going series of performances and lecture-demonstrations on Japanese performing arts held three times a year. With world-class guest artists and speakers, the program has inspired NY audiences for the last 2 decades, 2021 is the 23rd season of the series.*

The Salon Series No. 68 is, in part, supported by the Japan Foundation New York Culture and Arts Grant, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in partnership with NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.

さろんシリーズ第 68回「 雪の象徴」ストリーミング

日時:1月31日(日)午後3時-4時 EDT に ホームページのオンライン・リンク をクリックして頂くとご覧になれます。リンクは24時間有効です。

直接のリンクは1月24日までに ホームページ上にアナウンス、又リマインダーのお知らせをお送りします。

ゲスト出演:ベス・グリフィス、渡辺薫、 ジュリア・クロカーヴァ


更に、 雪の季節を迎えて新しい世界の協調を訴える即興作品は渡辺薫の音楽指導の下にロシア、アメリカ、日本を代表したアーティストが各文化の雪のシンボリズムを表現します。又、雪片が一つ一つ違うことから、文化、人種を越えた個人一人一人の尊厳さを謳いあげます。

November 5

Salon Series No. 67

June 27

Salon Series No. 69